Oenobiol solaire 30 caplets
- Prepares, stimulates and prolongs the sun tan
- Cellular antioxidant protection.
- Intensive Hydrating Tan Enhancer
Pionneer in the field of tan enhancer food supplements, Oenobiol prioritizes the addition of vegetal carotenoids, physiologically present in the skin. The filtering elements of lycopene, lutein and carotenoids protect the skin and stimulate the synthesis of melanin, the pigment responsible for natural tanning. Indications : exposure to the sun, UV rays. À Patented formula : associating the filtering elements of lycopene, lutein and carotenoids: phytoene, an UVB filter; phytofluen, an UVA filter. Properties : rapidly activates tanning and improves tolerance to the sun. Guarantees a warm tan, deep and long-lasting, whilst preserving the youthful capital of the skin. The lutein, carotenoids, naturally present in the retina and the chrystallin, filter the blue light, harmful to eyes. Normal skin: Intensive Tan Enhancer. Dry and very dry skin: Moisterising Intensive Hydrating Tan Enhancer, enriched in vegetal Omega 3. Fair skin : Protective Intense Tan Enhancer, enriched in filtering carotenoids